This is a rigorous certification process that is designed to provide practitioners and professionals in the field of Banking, Finance and related areas with a solid foundation that is fundamental to full understanding of the broad spectrum of issues involved in Islamic Finance. The aim is to produce skilled manpower to adequately meet the needs and standards of the Islamic Finance Industry.

  1. Introduction to Islamic Finance
  2. Riba
  3. Islamic Banking Principles
  4. Musharakah: Islamic Business Partnerships
  5. Mudaraba: Islamic Investment Partnerships
  6. Murabaha Cost- Plus Financing Contracts
  7. Ijarah: Islamic Leasing
  8. Salam and Istinah: Forward Sales and Manufacturing Contracts
  9. Liquidity Management Issues in Islamic Banks
  10. Risk Management Issues in Islamic Banks
  11. Management of Liabilities
  12. Islamic Treasury management
  13. Understanding Islamic Insurance
  14. Islamic Capital Markets and Securitization (Sukuk)
  15. Corporate Governance and Regulatory Framework for Islamic Banking
  16. Understanding Islamic Accounting

Learning Objectives
At the end of the Programme Participants will be able to:

  • Identify and apply the Shari’ah fundamentals related to contracts in operations and product related transactions
  • Manage issues related to Islamic Finance competently
  • Develop more confidence in innovating new products and processes
  • Strategize on current business or market expansion

Entry Requirements
The PCIBF is suitable for Islamic Finance Professionals and Practitioners with a degree or its equivalent in related fields. It will also adequately serve financial advisers, academicians, advocates and solicitors as well as regulators in the finance industry.
Three weeks including assessment