Bayero Journal of African Entrepreneurship Studies
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Bayero Journal of African Entrepreneurship Studies, Volume 5 Number 2, December 2023
- Relevance of digital financial services for sustainability of small scale business in Nigeria
- Effect of strategic entrepreneurial skills development on commercialization of agriculture and allied business in Sokoto state
- Role of vocational education in promoting entrepreneurial skills development for self-employment in Sokoto state
- Impact of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial mindset of entrepreneurial intention: A conceptual framework
- Employee engagement and quality of work life: the moderating role of socio-demographic variables in Nigerian banking industry
- Moderating role for entrepreneurship education on relationship between perceived family, structural and regulatory supports and entrepreneurial intentions among University students
- Relationship between strategic orientation and women entrepreneurship in the North West of Nigerian SMEs
- Talent management practice and brain drain among academic staff of federal universities in the North-Central Nigeria
- Effect of the knowledge management on organizational performance
- Opportunities that drive success of a fashion entrepreneurs in Ibadan, Nigeria
- Green human resource practices and environmental performance of hotels in Kano, Nigeria
- The relationship between tax knowledge, deterrence measures, taxpayer's attitude and tax compliance
- The behavioural intention to use edtech in teaching accounting in Nigeria
- The role of trust in the relationship between perceived organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour among health workforce: A conceptual paper
- Supply chain management practices, value creation strategies and performance of manufacturing companies: A conceptual review
- Impact of product branding and packaging on consumer purchase intention: A study of PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc
- The mediating effect of organizational commitment on the relationship between emotional intelligence and employee's performance in higher institutions of learning: A conceptual paper
- Meta-synthesis: The challenges of nationalsocial investment scheme (N-power) and poverty reduction in Nigeria
- Emotional labour and occupational stress among nurses and doctors in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin city
- Linking diversity management, inclusive practices and organizational citizenship behaviour on performance: Evidence from money deposit banks
- Stock market performance and insurance sector development in Nigeria
- Stock market performance and economic growth in Kenya
- Moderating effect of innovation capability on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs performance in Katsina state, Nigeria
- The impact of naira redesign on the trade volumes of groundnut marketers in Kano state
- Disclosure quality and investment efficiency of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria: Direct and mediated effects via information asymmetry and cost of capital
- Effect of strategic planning on the performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria
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- Bayero Journal of African Entrepreneurship Studies, Volume 4 Number 2, December 2021
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- Bayero Journal of African Entrepreneurship Studies, Volume 4 Number 1, June 2021
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