The national University Commission (NUC) in June 2010, selected six universities including Bayero University, Kano to establish and run undergraduate programs in Mechatronics Engineering. Consequently, the Dean of Engineering at the instance of the Vice-Chancellor set up an interdepartmental committee to work out modalities for the commencement of the program. the committee proposed the establishment of a new Department to house a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechatronics Engineering and any other Mechatronics-related program that may be introduced in the future. In addition, the committee drafted a curriculum for the Bachelor degree program in line with NUC benchmark.

In September 2011, the Senate of Bayero University approved the establishment of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering and the program of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering. In October 2011 the Vice-Chancellor appointed a coordinator for the new Department. The coordinator was upgraded to the status of Head of Department in May, 2012.

Ever since the Department has been graduating undergraduate students. As of the year 2020, the Department has successfully graduated three sets of students.

Currently, the Department is in the process of starting post-graduate programs in Mechatronics Engineering. Masters Degree in Mechatronics Engineering is expected to commence in the 2020/2021 session.