
 "First and foremost, you are welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the departments in Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria that is blessed with highly quali¦ed and experienced teaching and non-teaching staff. The Department run both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. All our staff members will ensure that you enjoy an interesting and worthwhile stay in the University and we look forward to giving you high moral and quality academic training and learning, and good- character personality over the next few years. We are a department of enthusiastic engineers/researchers, and our research and teaching are tailored to give you the best learning experience. Students are given course outline and reading list in each course at the beginning of every semester. The staff-student relationship is very cordial. Lecturers are accessible and willing to assist the students. There is level coordinator for every level who is an academic staff appointed by the department to serve as an adviser to the students in the level. The main responsibility of the of the level coordinator is to ensure that students register the required courses and guide them on credit load. Please do avail yourselves of the resources and opportunities available in the Department to grow and develop better. On behalf of the entire staff of the Department, I wish you the best in your studies."

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Dr Muttaqa Na'iya (HOD)