Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnership, Bayero University, Kano, was established to operate the research policy of the university. The directorate oversees the affairs of research, innovation, and partnership on behalf of the University. The Directorate has the following objectives:- To promote high-impact and focused research in evolving thematic areas in order to transform the University into a credible knowledge-hub of international standing; To establish a mechanism for technology/knowledge transfer and product development with the aim of generating spin-offs and intellectual Property (IP) rights in order to make research truly functional; To act as a link with national and international organizations/institutions and establish a data bank for all partnerships and externally funded research and development project in order to ensure effective coordination; To be a repository of resources by establishing a database that will collate, collect, store, process and disseminate information on research, publications, innovation and networks for the benefit of the University community and others; and To coordinate all aspect of research, innovation and critical partnerships and advice Senate and the Management on priorities, resources and other related issues in order to ensure effective monitoring, evaluation and feedback.